Are you interested in having a yoga class at your office? That is an excellent idea that will have positive effects not only for the individual participants but for the company as well. A person with a healthy body and a calm mind will always be much more creative and productive than someone under stress.

Unfortunately we live in a stressful society and most of us feel the effects of this regularly. Worrying about money, deadlines at work, relationships troubles etc. are all contributing factors. When we are under stress, blood pressure and heart rate rises, physical tension increases and the digestive, immune and reproductive systems are suppressed. This is called the “fight or flight” response which is automatically triggered by the sympathetic nervous system whenever we perceive a threat. It is extremely useful for actual immediate physical threats, but unfortunately our nervous systems are unable to differentiate between physical, emotional, mental or even real or imagined threats. Simply worrying about the future is enough to set off the “fight or flight” response even though it is counterproductive. In this state our creativity, productivity and ability to focus suffers*. Prolonged stress also often leads to illness.
Fortunately, there is Yoga. Science shows** how important it is for us humans to exercise, not only for our physical bodies but also for our brains to function well. Yoga is even more effective against stress than other forms of exercise due to it’s holistic approach incorporating body, mind and breath.

The act of breathing deeply, that is regularly practiced in Yoga, directly stimulates the parasympathetic nervous system which triggers the “rest and digest” response. Through the “rest and digest” response blood pressure and heart rate will return to healthy levels, digestion and immune system will start functioning again, physical tension will begin to release. The combination of moving, stretching, learning how to settle the mind and breathing deeply that Yoga provides is a remarkably powerful tool against stress and all it’s related discomforts and diseases.

In a typical corporate Yoga course, the participants will practice movements and postures to gain more flexibility, strength and grace in the physical body as well as breathing and meditation techniques to help settle the mind, soothe the nervous system and find more clarity and calm. Maja’s expert guidance will provide a space for the students to have a safe, fun and challenging experience of exploring, strengthening and opening both body and mind.
So far, courses will be taught in English which gives the participants an opportunity to improve their language skills as well. The program can be tailored to your needs and wishes.

Maja Sidebaeck is a dedicated, knowledgeable and seasoned vinyasa yoga teacher. She teaches an alignment conscious, breath-led, intelligent flow with both philosophical and physical explorations. She is E-RYT 500*** certified with the Yoga Alliance and have been teaching vinyasa, restorative and prenatal yoga on all levels from absolute beginners to advanced practitioners since 2006 in New York City. In 2017 she relocated to Mainz where she is currently teaching classes and workshops.


** (yoga and brain function) (exercise and brain function) (neuroplasticity and meditation) (mindfulness and brain function) (yoga for phychological health)
***Experienced Registered Yoga Teacher with at least 500 hours education with a registered Yoga school. (Highest designation). For more information see

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